martes, 29 de octubre de 2013



  • Standardization of processes in order to control and stabilize costs and ensure the development and delivery of quality products.
  • Perform direct sales from manufacturers to ensure that efforts to meet delivery deadlines caused by the distribution process are efficient and effective
  • Implement technology tools that centralize the information of the company and have real-time data.
  • Implement a moral and wellbeing for company employees in order to motivate and increase quality in the development of their activities
  • Develop activities in full compliance with the applicable law in force generation and prevent negative environmental impacts.
  • Trained personnel in marketing that will generate new ideas to reach customers and increase sales.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013


Decree 948 of June 5, 1995 
 By which are regulated, in part, Act 23 of 1973, Articles 33, 73, 74, 75 and 76 of Decree 2811 of 1974, Articles 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 , 48 and 49 of Act 9 of 1979 and Act 99 of 1993, concerning the prevention and control of air pollution and the protection of air quality.


The purpose is the use of technology for environmental sanitation, the development of activities that promote environmental decontamination; recycling and processing waste products from today and in the future are likely to pollute the environment.

    The commitment to comply with all environmental legislation applicable to its processes, projects, activities and operations in the context of institutional mission.

   The commitment to minimize environmental impacts through a program of continuous improvement and proper planning, oriented towards obtaining an objective improvement in the quality of life of the population.

    Adequate prevention of undesirable environmental impacts and enhancing positive impacts caused by projects, works or activities of our mission and the promotion of shared responsibility of all stakeholders.


lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

VÍDEO )entrada flor)

We want to make a video in order to generate awareness and social and environmental responsibility, where we tambier see the different uses we can give use tire des ...